The Yssaril Tribe
I call these guys the frogs. This is one of my favorite races to play with because of one simple ability. The Yssaril Tribe has the ability to skip every other turn. They also draw one extra action card during the status phase and can look at one other players cards during the strategy phase. This may not sound like much but it sure does com in handy. They also start with 2 carriers so no need to worry about getting a second one first turn.
Have you ever been playing and next thing you know it is your turn and you have no idea what you want to do? If you are using the Yssaril Tribe just say skip and think about it a while. This skip ability is great. It lets you pass on a turn without passing. It also lets you see what everyone else does before you are forced to move. You can hold off doing just about anything until that strategy card you want played is played. Watching what others are doing and being able to almost always take the last turn is a major advantage.
Since you get extra action cards and can see others cards plan on having a full hand but don’t forget they are there. Many people forget that they have an action card which may help them in the current situation. You will have a lot of action cards so be sure that you know what your hand hold and when the appropriate time to use them will be.