So you want to get some dice and you’re discovering that the world of dice is far vaster than you ever imagined. Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have just about every kind of dice out there for your gaming needs. Whether you want to start your collection or you’re an avid collector wanting to add to your collection, we definitely have you covered. For the newbies out there, let’s go over some great beginner/starter options.
If you are looking to get a variety of dice to begin with, the standard is a set of 7 dice including: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and d10 percentile. (d4 equals 4-sided, etc.) Pre-packaged sets are available in a variety of different colors and price points to fit your needs which is handy when you’re first starting out.
Opaque and transparent sets are among the lowest priced sets. With price points below $5, these sets are great for anyone who wants to get into gaming dice. They’re also great to have around if you need extra sets. Individual matching dice can also be purchased in most colors which is a bonus.
The next step up in price are the Speckled Dice Sets. The quality is superb and there is a huge variety of different colors out there to choose from. Extra matching dice can also be purchased separately in all colors when you need more than one of a certain die. These are also great if you’re looking for dice to fit a theme.
The Chessex Dice Sets are definitely a great way to go if you’re looking for more unique dice without going broke. They’re categorized in 2 different categories on our website: Signature and Gemini, but clicking on the previous link will take you to all our Chessex sets. At just under $10 per set, these are a great median priced option. Individual matching dice are not currently available to purchase so take that into account when deciding.
If you’re not a beginner and you’re looking to splurge on a dice set, our Stone Dice Setsand Metal Dice Sets are for you. The stone dice sets are available in 12mm and 14mm sizes and each set includes a black dice bag for storage. The metal dice sets are not easy to find so they’re also a great addition to your collection if you’re an avid gamer.
These are not the only dice sets we have available, but these definitely give you a good idea of what we have to offer and maybe help you narrow down the set that works for you. If you need any help in deciding, let us know!